Saturday, May 22, 2010

Indigenous People Cultural Park

I came today to Kaohsiung expecting to spend the whole day here, but Cheney, a coworker, decided to bring me to another place.
Hoy vine a Kaohsiung pensando estar todo el dia conociendolo, pero Cheney, del trabajo, me llevo a otro lugar.
The government of Taiwan has created a park to show how indigenous from Taiwan used to live.
El gobierno de Taiwan creo un parque para mostrar como vivian los indigenas aqui.

One woman was making glass beads for barcelets and necklaces. Very nice and colorful.
Esta mujer esta haciendo chaquiras de vidrio para pulseras y collares, bien vistosas y coloridas.

Before leaving the park we went to see a representation of the traditional dances and music. The clothes were magnificent, and the music very nice.
Antes de irnos del parque fuimos a ver una representacion de musica y danza tradicional. La ropa que tenian era espectacular, y la musica estuvo muy linda.

And we have to stop on the road for some food. More analogies with Colombia. It was pork actually, not beef.
Y claro que paramos en la carretera para comer carne. Identico que en Colombia, pero aqui comimos cerdo.

And I have to take this picture. I liked the structure of the column holding the bridge. The driver was going very slow.
Y claro que tenia que tomar esta foto. Me gusto mucho la estructura que sostiene al puente. Claro que el que manejaba tuvo que ir bien despacio.

To see more pictures go to
Para ver mas fotos metase a

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