After driving for 20 minutes we arrived to a placed called the Chiang Family Village in Lu-Tao-Yang.

Is like a small villa, but it belongs to a family, and it has very old houses.
Despues de manejar unos 20 minutos llegamos a un lugar llamado el Poblado de la Familia Chiang en Lu-Tao-Yang. Es una especia de valla que pertenece completamente a una familia, y tiene casa bien antiguas.They followed a U pattern to build the village begining with 3 houses. The one in the middle is for the parents, the one on the right is for the first son, and the one

on the left for the second son. When the family grows they add additional layers.
Se sigue un patron de construccion en U comenzando con 3 casas. La primera esta en el centro y es para los padres, la segunda esta a la derecha y es para el hijo mayor, y la tercera esta a la izquierda y es para el segundo hijo. Cuando la familia crece se aniade una U concentrica..
Then we went to Nansi, another township, and we entered in a very peculiar restaurant named the Fruits Family Farmer.
Arrancamos para Nansi, otra poblacion cercana, y fuimos a almorzar a un restaurante muy particular, que se llama el Granjero de la Familia de Frutas.
The restaurant is in the middle of a farm where they grow fruits, that they use to prepare the meals. Very delicious.
El restaurante hace parte de una finca de cultivo de frutas, las mismas que utilizan para la preparacion de las comidas. Muy rico todo.
Then, in another area, Dongshan, we went up to almost the top of a mountain to see a nice temple. I don't even remember the name of the temple. It's not that big, but it looks very impressive.
Luego, fuimos a Dongshan, casi a la cima de una montania para ver un templo. No me acuerdo el nombre. No esta tan grande, pero si es impresionante.
Down the mountain we went to a nice cute cafe. The place is very beautiful, and the view is magnificent.
Bajando la montania paramos en cafecito "cuquito". Muy lindo por cierto y con una vista magnifica..Very expensive though, hahaha, and they gave me just the

smallest cup they could find, but it was prepared by the owner, or BOSS, how they called owners here.
Me parecio muy caro, y ademas me dieron la taza mas pequenia que encontraron. Segun esto lo preparo el mismo duenio..
We stopped, I don't know exactly where, to eat duck necks and heads. Believe me, I've tried many things, but they looked a little gross. I only ate the necks, hahaha, kind of deep fried and then caramelized.
Paramos, no se ni en donde, a comer pescuezos y cabezas de pato. La verdad yo he probado muchas cosas, pero esto se veia medio aja, ya tu sabes. Solo comi unos pescuezos y le pare. Estan freidos y caramelizados, mmm..
At the end of the day we went to a lotus field. Even though it wasn't that late the flowers were already closed.
Al final del dia fuimos a un campo de lotos. Lastima que las flores ya se habian cerrado, aunque todavia habia luz natural.
.To see more pictures of this day trip got to: ver mas foticos del paseo entra a: