Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dajia & Lukang City

On Sunday morning we went to small town in Taichung called Dajia. They wanted me to see the Xhenlan temple.
El Domingo por la maniana nos fuimos a un pueblito en Taichung llamado Dajia. Mis amigos querian mostrarme el templo Xhenlan.

It was a rainy day, but I was happy to be there learning more things about their culture.
El dia estaba bien lluvioso, pero la verdad es que no me importaba, lo rico era estar ahi.

More pictures in Dajia:
Mas fotos de Dajia:

From Dajia we went to Lukang city, in Changhua, another state. This city was an important sea port in the 18th and 19th centuries.
De Dajia nos dirigimos a la ciudad de Lukang, en el estado ed Changhua. Esta ciudad fue un puerto maritimo muy importante en los siglos 18 y 19.

It's one of the most well preserved antique cities in Taiwan. Most of the houses held shops and small temples.
Es de las ciudades antiguas de Taiwan mejor conservadas. La mayoria de las casas son tiendas y templos pequenios.

Before leaving we saw a procession. The people from the area were carrying statues of their gods, burning inciense, and playing music.
Antes de irnos vimos una procesion, con las estatuas de sus dioses, incienso, y musica.

More pictures in Lukang City:
Mas fotos de la ciudad de Lukang:

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