Saturday, June 26, 2010


Kenting is the beach area on the south of Taiwan. Everybody comes here to enjoy a nicer weather during the whole year.
Kenting es la zona de playas del sur de Taiwan. Todo el mundo viene aca para disfrutar de un mejor clima durante todo el anio.

Unfortunately the beaches have a lot of rocks, but I guess you get used to it. I wanted to get wet, and so I jumped into.
Desafortunadamente las payas estan llenas de rocas, pero igual y uno se acostumbra. Y la verdad que queria nadar un rato asi que no me importo y me meti.

They call it the "Boat Stone" or "Floating Stone", not sure, they didn't know 100% percent, lol, but it's impresive.
La llaman la "Roca Barco" o la "Roca Flotante". Me parece super impresionante.

I took this picture of another beach from a facility on the road. It looks better than the one we went but it doesn't have any access. Sad.
Esta foto de otra playa la tome desde un cafe en el camino. Se ve mucho mejor que la playa a la que fuimos, pero el parecer no tiene acceso. Que lastima.

Then, we went to a different area, near the southest point in Taiwan (we couldn't see it, it was late to go there).
Despues nos fuimos para otra zona cerca del lugar mas al sur de Taiwan (al que no pudimos entrar porque ya era tarde).

This area is full of clifts, and the vegetation is different. You can see the ocean from here, but you cannot go there.
Esta zona esta llena de acantilados, y su vegetacion es diferente. Se puede ver el oceano desde aca, pero no se puede bajar.

Before dinner we looked for parking, and what better place than the parking lot from a hotel closed by the night market.
Antes de ir a cenar buscamos donde parquear, y no pudimos encontrar un mejor lugar que en el parqueadero de un hotel cerca al mercado nocturno.

The hotel is beautiful. The architecture is copied from the old houses in Tainan. I don't remember the name of the hotel, but if I ever come back here I want to stay in this hotel.
El hotel es precioso. La arquitectura es una copia de las casas viejas de Tainan. No me acuerdo del nombre del hotel pero si alguna vez regreso aca me gustaria quedarme en este hotel.

To see more pitures of the trip go to:
Para ver mas fotos de este paseo:

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